Surrey Branch: 63 Nork Way, Banstead, SM7 1HL Tel: 020 3318 1373

Preparing For Scan: Tips And Guidelines

Please check what preparation is needed before your ultrasound scan below:

All Pelvic scans
Kidney and Urinary tract
Prostate & Urinary Tract
Early Pregnancy Scan
Drink One Liter of still water (2 Pints) One hour before your scan.
Do NOT use the toilet so you would arrive with a full bladder.
Medication can be taken as normal.
Liver scans
Upper Abdomen
Liver Fibroscan (Liver Elastography)
Do NOT eat for 6 hours prior to scan time.
Combination of above scans Same as respective scan’s preparation.

Phone Number :

020 3318 1373

Email :

[email protected]

Address :

Phoenix Ultrasound’s Branches:

Central London Branch: 1 Portpool Lane, Holborn London, EC1N 7UU
Surrey Branch: 63 Nork Way, Banstead, SM7 1HL